Accused of Drunk Driving in Angleton, TX?
Contact Angleton DWI Lawyer Tad Nelson for Help.
Attorneys Tad Nelson and Amber Spurlock bring a wealth of experience to the table when working to defend clients of The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates.
If you or a loved were arrested for a DWI related criminal offense in Angleton or elsewhere in Brazoria County, contact The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates by phone at 979-267-6081.
Accused of Driving While Intoxicated in Angleton?
Call Our Office IMMEDIATELY!
If you’re facing criminal charges for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in Angleton, TX, lawyers Tad Nelson & Amber Spurlock are prepared to engage in a private 1 on 1 consultation with you. During which, we’ll review the details of your case, work on saving your Texas Drivers License, educate you on Texas criminal laws related to drunk driving and DWI cases, and get you ready for your court date.
We’re serious about defending our clients.
To see what others had to say about our law firm be sure to read our reviews on Avvo; a leading website dedicated to bringing people together with qualified attorneys.
Experienced • Affordable • Board Certified®
Contact the Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates if you, a family member, or other loved one were accused and/or charged with any of the following crimes listed below, or have questions related to any of the crimes/topics listed below.
- Drunk Driving
- Intoxicated Manslaughter
- DWI resulting in injury
- Boating While Intoxicated
- All Angleton DWI offenses
- First Time DWI Cases
- DWI/Probation
- DWI & The Science
- Second Time DWI Offenders
- Felony DWI Cases
- Individuals With Multiple DWIs
- Drunk Driving with a Child Passenger in the vehicle
- Public Intoxication
- Juvenile/Minor DWI
- Underage Drinking
- Providing Alcohol For Minors
- All Brazoria DWI cases
- Blood and Breath Test Refusal
- Field Sobriety Testing
- Breathalyzer Machines/Testing
- DRE/Drug Recognition Evaluator
The Criminal Penalties Are Serious
Persons who are convicted (or enter a guilty plea) of a DWI will face numerous negative impacts as a result. First and foremost, the suspension of your Texas Driver License. Even if you agree to plead guilty for a misdemeanor DWI offense, your Texas Driver License will be suspended. In Texas, especially in the Houston area, you can’t survive without personal transportation. By securing the legal services of Angleton DWI lawyer Tad Nelson, you’ll have one of the best lawyers in Texas on your side, which will give you the best chance of securing favorable results in court and keep your driving privileges in tact.
Science in DWI Cases Matter
The claims and allegations of the Angleton Police Department are meaningless if the science isn’t supportive. Angleton DWI lawyer Tad Nelson has defeated numerous prosecution attempts aimed at his clients in the Brazoria County Criminal Court time and time again. If you need our help, we look forward to discussing various options for fighting your DWI charge.
If you need talk with a qualified lawyer about fighting Angleton DWI charges, call us at 979-267-6081 so we can get started.