In Texas, if you’re charged with a DWI & DUI related crime, or arrested and found to have illegal drugs in your possession while operating a motor vehicle, your Texas Drivers License will be suspended.
This is in addition to any other criminal penalties you’re forced to endure should you be found guilty of the originated offense. The process of automatic driver license suspension is referred to as Administrative License Revocation or “ALR” for short.
Administrative License Revocation
Automatic Texas Driver License Suspension
The process of executing the suspension of your Texas Drivers License, Administrative License Revocation, begins immediately after you’re charged with DWI or DUI in Texas. Thus, making the need for immediate legal representation paramount especially if you need lawful driving privileges to maintain your employment.
We provide legal representation for ALR Hearings, but you’ve got to move fast!
We Have 15 Days To Save Your Texas Drivers License
We’ll Need to Request an ALR Hearing
If you’re arrested for DUI or DWI, or refuse sobriety testing, or fail sobriety, blood or breath testing, the Texas Department of Public Safety will have your Texas Drivers License suspended. However, we can contest this suspension by requesting an ALR hearing in which we can argue a defense that will allow you to keep your Texas Driver License.
The good news about ALR hearings is that if we win the ALR hearing, there’s a strong chance we’ll win in your DWI case at trial or get it dismissed. The bad news about ALR is the state automatically suspends your Texas Driver License so you’ll need to hire an attorney immediately to fight this “civil” judgement.
Based on the Cop’s “Word,” You Can’t Legally Drive
You’re Being Punished Without Due Process!

Call Tad Nelson & Associates
At the Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates, we consider any move to suspend your Texas Drivers License offensive because you have yet to be proven guilty in the court of law.
This means the court’s actions are based on nothing more than the word of the officer, with no review of evidence.
If you’re represented by attorney Tad Nelson or attorney Amber Spurlock, you can rest assured that our law firm will take the steps necessary to defend you.
We’ll fight to ensure that you can lawfully drive in Texas in lieu of your upcoming court appearance for the originating DWI or DUI charge.
Driving is a Crime in Texas
If you don’t take some action to protect your “driving privileges,” and you’re stopped by law enforcement for any reason, it could mean additional criminal charges.
If your Texas Driver License is invalid or suspended and you’re subjected to a routine traffic stop, it’s a new criminal charge. You’ll have a new misdemeanor criminal case for DWLI (Driving While License Invalid) or DWLS (Driving While License Suspended). Although these are minor traffic offenses, the are crimes and will make matters worse for your situation.
Need to Talk with a Lawyer About Your License?
Call Attorney Tad Nelson for Help
Lets face it, not being allowed to operate a motor vehicle in the State of Texas is akin to one losing their legs when they need mobility. If you were arrested for DWI or DUI, your Texas Drivers License will be suspended.
The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates will stand in the way of this administrative action, request the required ALR Hearing, and work to either avoid the suspension of your Texas Drivers License, or to acquire some form of provisional driving privilege in lieu of your first court date and final disposition of your case.
To get started or to talk with a criminal defense lawyer, give us a call at 979-267-6081.